• You think because you trained your employees, they are following your health and safety procedures... 88% of accidents are caused by unsafe acts of workers.
• You're safe from prosecution because the Department of Labour doesn't check compliance with the OHS Act... 10 949 notices were served for contraventions in health and safety requirements during 2006/7. 1230 companies had to stop production.
• Productivity is more important than health and safety. The insured cost to uninsured cost ratio is R1: R53 per incident. How much profit do you need to make to absorb an uninsured incident cost of R1 million?
If you think health and safety isn't important in your company, think again. The Department of Labour is clamping down and doing more workplace inspections.
• A lot of companies aren't too worried about implementing health and safety in their workplace. On the one hand, management doesn't want to spend money to implement health and safety. On the other, companies that do have health and safety policies, can't get their employees to follow the procedures.
• Most people only realise the problem when an accident happens. They get a visit from the Department of Labour, the employer gets laid with criminal charges and the business is shut down - which can cost some companies millions!
• Only then do they ask why procedures were not in place or followed correctly. Only then do they start to see how important health and safety is. By then, its too late.
• We have a solution to all of your health and safety problems. It's not going to confuse you. We will give you straight forward actionable advice to solve all of your health and safety worries.